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"Aku bukan blogger tapi aku hanya seorang pendosa yang mencari jalan perubahan menuju redha Allah S.W.T."

13 October 2016

Being nice? I'm tired enough.


I'm tired being nice. Nobody knows how I feel.

I'm starting to slowly reach the point in my life where I'm so used to everything. Actually, I don't know how to start but know what? This is a life which is people keep talking about you behind your back. People hating you for no reason. People hurting you and not caring what they did. Promises will be broken even though they were promised. There are people you used to talk to every day that you will never speak to again. The truth is, I can't care anymore, it hurts me and it's too tiring. So I'm used to it.

From this point on, I'm going to treat people exactly how they treat me. Some should be glad, some should be scared.

Well, sometimes I feel regret being nice, apologizing when I didn't do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life.

Okay, enough. Maybe I should stop thinking and just let things happen. Let life flow and don't force it. So, no matter how useless I feel, life must go on whether it would be more hurt or happy in the future.

For you guys, please have a nice life. I'm done trying to be in it. Even the nicest people have their limits too.


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