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"Aku bukan blogger tapi aku hanya seorang pendosa yang mencari jalan perubahan menuju redha Allah S.W.T."

29 November 2016

My girl ; Isha


Dear Isha,

We're stupid. We're weird. We're not perfect. But that's okay. I love the way we are. We laugh at the randomest things. You know my ugliest side. Even though we disagree but sometimes we never fight. When I'am sad, you were always there to make sure I'm okay. You mean so much to me.

Ever since we met, I've known that we're special. That the way we talk and laugh around each other is different than everybody else. Having you as my bestfriend is a wonderful things that happen in my life.

Hey, you know what? I never let you do stupid things alone. We laugh together almost 14 years. You know me so well. You know what I like and dislike. We share the same story with different situation. I don't know how my life will go on without you. We walk around talking to complete strangers. Laugh for absolutely no reason at all. Have a stupid fight. Having those weird conversations with you.

Well, soon we both will get married. Having life with another guys. Promise me that you'll never forget our friendship. I will miss our conversation like always. I will miss the moment where we have the same madness. I will miss our craziness.

Thank you for making my life more meaningful since I know you. Keep smiling!

With love,

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